6 research outputs found

    The Determinants of Household Demand for Mobile Broadband in Indonesia

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    Based on the Global Information Technology 2013 report, mobile broadband user in Indonesia is increasing at 70% per year as well as internet users will grow from 55 million in 2012 to 125 million in 2015, which is expected to accelerate as Unfortunately, there are still drawbacks in understanding of potential benefits from widespread access to mobile broadband due to the lack of government efforts as well as studies in capturing demand of mobile broadband nationwide. The study concludes that income plays a less important role in its effect on mobile broadband access than geographical area, indicating that affordability is not an issue to further develop broadband. The importance of geographical characteristics confirms the studies by Rappoport (2002) and Steinberg, Degagne and Dough (2008). The fact that urban areas, and Java and its cities, are more developed in terms of broadband development leads to a need to develop infrastructure more evenly throughout the country

    Kajian Arsitektur Vernakular pada Bangunan di Kampung Mahmud

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    Kampung Mahmud is one of the villages in Indonesia. Normally an indigenous village generally have distinctive features and special rules one of them is building. The building was established following the climate, culture, environment and materials, religion/beliefs, tradition law, science and technology at the time. Based on these, so Kampung Mahmud can be regarded as a vernacular village. Simplicity that highlighted of building be a characterize of building typology which existing in Kampung Mahmud. Nowadays building typologi in Kampung Mahmud has changes a lot started with the times. By qualitative research methods, survey, observations and interviews with relevant parties, obtained aspects that influence the development of the alteration building typology in Kampung Mahmud

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Crossword Puzzle dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Fiqh di MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang hasil belajar Fiqh di Kelas VIII A MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi. Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran fiqh dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran crosswod puzzle di MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi. Metode yang di lakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), sedangkan instrumen pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini di lakukan pada kelas VIII A MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi. Hasil penelitian untuk melihat peningkatan hasil belajar fiqh pada siswa juga dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil skor hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran fiqh. Pada siklus I diperoleh rata-rata persentase hasil belajar siswa yaitu 74,8 % dengan kategori cukup dan mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan pada siklus II yaitu 95% dengan kategeori Sangat Baik. Peningkatan yang terjadi menunjukkan tercapainya indikator keberhasilan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode pembelajaran crossword puzzle dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII A di MTs Nururrodhiyah Kota Jambi


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    Abstrak Kampung Mahmud adalah salah satu kampung adat di Indonesia. Lazimnya sebuah Kampung adat umumnya memiliki ciri khas dan aturan tersendiri, salah satunya adalah bangunannya. Bangunan didirikan mengikuti iklim, budaya, lingkungan dan bahan, religi/kepercayaan, hukum adat serta Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka Kampung Mahmud dapat dikatakan sebagai kampung vernakular. Kesederhanaan yang ditonjolkan pada bangunan menjadi ciri khas tipologi bangunan di Kampung Mahmud. Saat ini tipologi bangunan di Kampung Mahmud sudah banyak yang mengalami perubahan mulai mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Dengan menggunakan metoda penelitian secara kualitatif, melalui survey ke lapangan, pengamatan dan wawancara dengan pihak terkait didapatkan aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhi perubahan tipologi bangunan di Kampung Mahmud Kata kunci: Arsitektur Vernakular, Tipologi bangunan, Transformasi bentuk. ABSTRACT Kampung Mahmud is one of the villages in Indonesia.  Normally an indigenous village generally have distinctive features and special rules one of them is building. The building was established following the climate, culture, environment and materials, religion/beliefs, tradition law, science and technology at the time. Based on these, so Kampung Mahmud can be regarded as a vernacular village. Simplicity that highlighted of building be a characterize of building typology which existing in Kampung Mahmud. Nowadays building typologi in Kampung Mahmud has changes a lot started with the times. By qualitative research methods, survey, observations and interviews with relevant parties, obtained aspects that influence the development of the alteration building typology in Kampung Mahmud.   Keywords : Architecture Vernacullar, Building Typology, Form Transformation